Growing our mission in Albania

bathore grupaAdvent started for the Redemptorist Mission in Albania with three new churches: St John Paul II Church in Bathore with its filial church in Institut, and St Clare´s church in Arrameras. The shortage of priests working in the diocese means that the Redemptorists were asked to take these three new responsibilities.
We continue to work in the parishes of Kamëz and Luz, with the filial church of Kasallë. On the first weekend of Advent we had a retreat day for our young people.
Bathore is a pastoral centre full of life, with a community of Dominican Sisters of Blessed Imelda, four Italian religious who have developed a great social work, with courses in human development and pastoral care. There are also several groups of catechesis and Catholic Action.
bathore 1 7In Institut, in a rented room, the Sunday Eucharist is celebrated along with catechesis and youth groups led by of the Missionaries of Charity. On, the first Sunday of Advent, also his Feast day, our confrere Andrzej Michon CSsR received the keys of the church of the polish Saint, Pope John Paul II, in a celebration presided by the Auxiliary Bishop of Tirana-Durres.

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