The school of evangelization, organized by the Commission of the New Missionary Initiatives of the Conference of Redemptorists of Europe, and called “REDCAMP 2015”, was held in Venice from 27th July to 1st August 2015.
The idea of REDCAMP was born as a response to the invitation given by Pope Francis to preach the Gospel anew to people living in big cities. This course, composed of catechises, workshops and prayer, was a preparation for evangelization organized during the last part of this school.
The elements of trainings were the basic truths of the faith proclaimed in the form of the Kerygma. Certain specific preparations were conducted in various churches in Venice. The starting points for the teachings were the famous paintings expressing the reality of our faith: Resurrection (by P. Veronese), Road to Calvary (by G. Tiepolo), Pentecost (by Titian), The Last Supper (by J. Tintoretto), Assumption (by Titian).

REDCAMP www 1The participants of this course went out to the streets of Venice for evangelization to share their faith with passersbys on the feast of St. Alphonsus. Many tourists, who were visiting the churches, had the opportunity to listen to the catechesis. For many of them it was a great surprise that they could hear not only historical information about the works of art, but also the Kerygma.
Two very important events of REDCAMP were the celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation and Intercessory Prayer.
REDCAMP 2015 was attended by 35 persons from the following countries: Italy, Philippines, France, Vietnam, Poland, Slovakia, Portugal, and Brazil. The mixture of mentalities and cultures were a great treasure during this course. The Coordinator of the CRE Fr. Jacek Zdrzałek C.Ss.R. was also a participant.
The Philippino community, which normally gathers at the Church of the Redemptorists in Venice, made a great contribution to the organization of this school of evangelization.
The participants had the opportunity not only to know each other, but also to live a common experience of the presence of the Risen Lord among them.
The Patriarch of Venice, Archbishop Francis Moraglia, visited the participants after the solemn Eucharist which concluded REDCAMP 2015 on 1st August.
We would like to give thanks to the Redemptorist community in Venice for their hospitality and for all the preparations and assistance during REDCAMP 2015.
The next REDCAMP will be held simultaneously with World Youth Day in Krakow 2016 (Poland). The young people will meet together during the Alphonsian Day in Krakow and the special preparation time in Wroclaw.
Fr. Paweł Drobot CSsR

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