A message for all Redemptorists and Lay Collaborators in the CRE

Vila Nova de Gaia, 24 September 2015

The members of the 8th Assembly of the CRE gathered in Villa Nova de Gaia (Portugal), and touched by the difficult situation of the migrants who are arriving in such great numbers in Europe, send this message.

A message for all Redemptorists and Lay Collaborators in the Conference of Redemptorists of Europe.

Given the plight of so many refugees in our countries, we thank all those who are already committed to the welfare of these suffering people. As the CRE we ask you to do all you can to meet this need.

For us as Redemptorists it is also a humanitarian and pastoral challenge. Wherever and whenever we can show solidarity, we should do so through concrete actions and through our prayer. Let us, in church and society, raise our voices when the poor are not treated as human beings and when solidarity is denied.

May we, Redemptorists and co-workers, make our option for the poor particularly visible in these days by offering our places and resources, as some Units of the Conference have already done; and do this in close collaboration and solidarity with other ecclesial, social and government organizations.

On behalf of the members of the Assembly
Fr. Jacek Zdrzalek CSsR
Coordinator of the CRE

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