Extraordinary visitation in Europe-North

In the Easter season and until after Pentecost, the meetings of the Extraordinary Visitation take place in the area of Northern Europe. The visitation was already carried out by the General Government in Southern Europe, now the meetings were held in Esker (Ireland), Neustadt (Germany), Perth (Scotland) and Ghent (Belgium). On Monday after Pentecost, the meeting begins in Gars / Inn (Germany). Fr. Vicar General Alberto Eseverri leads the visitations, supported by the coordinator of the conference, Fr. Johannes Römelt and Fr. Piotr Chyla, a member of the Council of the Conference Europe.

Perth 1

The subject of the meetings are the results of the 25th General Chapter: the message of the chapter and the various decisions that have been made. A retreat day enables a more intensive study of the topic of the Sexennium and the exchange of ideas in groups.

A basic decision of the chapter was that all conferences should prepare an apostolic and restructuring plan. In the process of drawing up this plan, the assemblies provide a forum for the participation of all confreres, associates and co-workers. The results of the Extraordinary Visit are incorporated in the work of the Commission, which is preparing the draft plan.

Noteworthy in the past meetings is the mixed composition of the participants, who came from different provinces. This made it clear that, as Redemptorists in Europe, we are thinking about our future – ready to realistically name the challenges and seek common answers.

Germany 1

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